Hear about incredible stories of God’s faithfulness and the courage and obedience of Jesus followers
Can you teach your kids to hear God's voice daily? One morning when we still lived in Arizona, our son…
5 Essentials Of Disciple Making & Training Others With all the different opinions throughout the global church on the question…
Our Life In 11 Bags one week before leaving for the mission field What Does The Bible Say About Suffering?…
The 5 best books on how to make disciples Are you focused on obeying the command of Jesus to go…
A Challenging Question For Believers In Jesus. Where You Go, I'll Go, And What You Say, I'll Say God. https://youtu.be/c2U3PU-E32E?si=r1detKviPlR0KfmN…
Carla visiting a palliative care patient out in a village near Helena Helena's story Helena…she was a precious, selfless, 10-year-old…
The Multiplier's Mindset Thinking Differently About Discipleship Are you focused on following Jesus? If you are a disciple maker and…
The reason and vision for the writing journey includes you! The writing journey for us began when we said yes…
My faith journey involves a lot of patience, mercy, grace and love…not just for others but for myself. I continue to…